$500,000,000 if you ignore the entity

An entity will at some point in the next week appear behind you when you are alone. you will know when it does. the entity is an 8ft tall, humanoid with long limbs and impossible features. you must ignore it. it will whisper to you, talk to you, it may even breathe on you. you must ignore it. it will try to mimic loved ones or someone you know. it will try to say anything to get you to react to it. once its presence begins, you must last 3 hours. you cannot acknowledge it. the second you do, it will kill you. at the end of the 3 hours the entity will say “thank you” and place the money behind you and disappear. the moment it says “thank you” you can do whatever you want. it won’t trick you by saying it early.

  1. if you aren’t alone the whole week or avoid the entity you get nothing.

2 the entity will not try to make you laugh or jump scare you.

  1. the moment the entity is near you, you will know.

  2. the entity won’t touch you unless you acknowledge it.

  3. the entity will not enter your field of view. its behind you and if you turn around or look at it, it will kill you.

  4. if you put headphones on or a blind fold it will take it off of you