You’re offered the US presidency. Do you take it?

Note: Being foreign born/resident of another country is allowed. No age limit, so under 35 is acceptable.

You wake up tomorrow and you’re told you can be president of the United States if you want.

The current occupant of the Oval Office leaves and is not heard from again. This could be a motivation for those who are currently scared for the nation’s/world’s future.

You will be sworn in next Monday at Noon EST in DC. You will deliver an inaugural address and move into the White House following your inaugural festivities.

You do everything a president needs to do: give speeches to the country/world, travel to meet foreign leaders etc.

You are left with congress and SCOTUS as they are. You can do what you wish with the current cabinet in place, just like any president could.

Do you take the offer to become the 48th president of the United States?