Gas discomfort
I am 10 DPO, 58. Removed everything plus ovaries. Robotic. 5 incisions. One was 4 to 5 inches at bikini line. I feel bloated and general significant discomfort (not really PAIN pain) in my belly that comes and goes thru out day. But this discomfort makes me feel worse than the pain does.. Sometimes I feel fine, and other times I can really feel the pressure moving around in my belly. I'm taking gas x after every meal, and walking regularly. My dr. Told me thin women like me take longer to get rid of all the gas. Just doing an unscientific poll...I'd like to know if you are thin and how long did your gas last? I've heard it can take months to get out, but I'd like to know if it will be even more for me because I'm thin (I never considered myself thin at 5'2 110 lbs but I guess my doc does. Any info/support would be greatly appreciated! Plus, I was having bms no problem every a.m. like clockwork until today and no urge to go. Is this normal?