Longest you've been unemployed? I'm genuinely suicidal now.

What's the longest you guys have been unemployed?

I hit 2 years recently. I've never had a job. I graduated in engineering in '21 and unemployed since. Lost interest in engineering, trying to pursue marketing, and nothing is working. Coupled with a myriad of personal problems and a surgery in between, I'm as low as it can get. I used to be such an ambitious and hard working person. Studied hard in college and got really good grades. 2 years on, I've just been sitting at home and rotting away. I don't have a single friend at this point because I've pushed everyone away. Got so drained and tired that I've stopped applying to jobs too now, because I only get rejected, understandably so. I wish I had a job.

Waking up seems like a nightmare, I'm filled with dread as soon as I wake up. It's difficult to breath and I feel like a boulder is sitting on my chest.

I really want to rant so much,but I don't even have the strength to type that out anymore. I wish I just dropped dead suddenly or a car hit me while crossing the road.

My chest feels so heavy just even while typing. I truly feel like I'm at the end of my wits.