Brutal Blackpill
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\nShe will cheat after marriage if she finds someone more attractive than her husband for sure. Hope her sorry ass remain single
\nHow are 35 year olds acting like this lol
\n\nI\u2019m that age and all the people in my age group have at least one kid
\nsomeone tell me that Guy's Id or contact I wanna talk to him so that he get to skip another alimony case where he pays more than he earns
\nRed flag alert \ud83d\udea8
\nWomen are attracted to toxic dudes, nothing is gonna change that fact, ever.
\nHave u tried being attractive and toxic?
\nThis post is not about toxic guys, at least google "blackpill".
\nShe says she\u2019s not attracted to the guy even after he\u2019s doing al this, his parents literally gifted her diamonds.
\nbhai women's "no" literally means "no" . You can split the moon in half and re-attach it just to show your love , and the woman would still not stay , if she isn't into you .
\nI don't think the point is about no means no.\u00a0
\n\nThis should awake people that when women says they want a nice ,kindb, honest, truth worthy guy ,they're lying their \ud83c\udf51 off . Maybe unintentionally or intentionally.
\n\nShe's saying "no" ,which is okay. But what is she saying no to ,and what she isn't into?\nShe's basically not into "A guy who respects her,care for her ,loves her ,is financially secured , adhering to her needs etc"
\n\nWhy is it hard to be brutally honest and lay out the really the way it is than sugarcoating for this society?
\nevery day when i read sh1t like this, im thankful that im married to someone whos more successful than i am and is actually an empowered woman rather than these two-bit, vapid garden implements
\nThanks my dude
\nWell, she indeed sounds like an independent woman who isn't a social media warrior, instead focuses on her life.
\nBless you guys!
\nGetting a sugar mommy is the key bruv. \u263a\ufe0f
\nThat she is lmao
\nGive me the guys number. I am gonna have a long chat with him.
\nI hope someone lets the guy know about her.
\nI hate people who always seen to chase things and are ungrateful for things they have. She is just going to give trauma to him and ruin his life. I hope someone knocks some sense in that guy and tells him to find someone worthy.
\nShe\u2019s sick \ud83e\udd22
\nThe only problem is that most women have extra-ordinary expectations for their partner, often much higher than they themselves can provide. This leads many of them to be unhappy with ANYONE they are with, because nobody is perfect.
\nLike uncles in a vegetable market
\nThe dude seems like a nice guy, someone warn him before she ruins his life by saying yes.
\nEk Kaam karo the only best thing you can do \nLeave him alone he will find someone who\u2019s human for sure
\ndard hora bhai ke liye
\nPlease don't ruin his life.
\nI can understand the "love of her life" break-up, dude saw it all and went like " aight, I am out"
\nThat\u2019s the avg member of that sub and TwoXIndia
\nSimps exist. You can't help them. They deserve what they get.
\nSure, but taking advantage of another person isn't very nice either. She's being selfish and should just let him know the truth
\nShe's playing along just because she doesn't have any better option right now. As soon as someone better comes, she'll jump on the opportunity to be with him.
\n\nMy point is this, if you have decided to be with someone, then you should value their efforts and be very careful to set a healthy boundary if you're not sure, otherwise just don't be with them, only because you had an epiphany one night
\nNoone deserve this man
\nWho are you referring as simp? The 38yo guy. Poor guy is nice and respectful, why would you call him a simp?
\nWell he has been in love with her for 6 years even when she was in a long committed relationship. Simp indeed, should have some self respect.
\nBro you victim blaming him, would you say same if some guy exploited a girls naivety
\nYep you deserve that ptsd
\nPTSD doesn't deserve her \ud83e\udd72
\ngreat now you're going to be the talk of that sub for about a week lmao
\nGod have mercy on that man. Amen. Be strong sir you are unknowingly going to marry a b!tch.
\n\nI will to pray god to keep this woke feminism alive in india for a while so that all these pseudo feminists becomes leftovers like her so that toxic generations will get deleted f the society.
\nFirst you wouldn't know if you are that guy.\nSecond, this woman should just date or marry someone she finds attractive otherwise PPL around will suffer.
\nThat's a horrible human right there...
\nShe is a walking red ocean.
\nSadhu ban jao ladke log,acche ladko ki iss duniya mee koyi jaga nehi hein !
\nTheir sub is a femcel cr*phole?
\nWomen like toxic but attractive men over amazing but unattractive men is a universal truth.
\nLmao, i once watched a video on blackpill. The narrator said- all the "chemistry" women feel is just looks.
\nAnd also height.....
\nFk off ! You are using that guy !! You deserve to die alone
\nI have sympathy for man
\nYou can't compensate attraction by giving more attention,it's never gonna work
\nThanks god, I married the woman that I married :D
\nMandatory reading for arrangedmarriagemaxxers.
\nLeaving this for men in similar situation
\nThe most toxic sub I have ever seen on reddit.
\nOld working women in india who want to marry are risky as they get lots of options when they are in 20s and it is very rare that she will have not been romantically been in atleast 2 3 affairs before. Let's not be back up option guys and be smart.
\nobvious ragebait
\nThis lady is a black flag.
\nSomebody needs to save this man from a tsar bomb is about to be dropped in his life.
\ni have got more "come to my bed with me" looks from married women than any other subsection of women.
\nShe should spare him and carry on with her sad life\u2026he deserves better anyday.
\nshe is walking red carpet
\nHer fault isn\u2019t being not attracted to him bc he and his family are doing all this, but it\u2019s the leading him\non part
\nMan I feel sorry for the guy and more importantly I am angry with his male friends. Where the hell are his Bhais when you need them, this is a place where only a male friend can tell him what is happening.
\n\nAbout this woman, the one thing I hope she doesn't become is a mother. Like anyone reading this post and then my comment imagine a life when your mother has this mindset. Doesn't matter if you are a man or woman, you are F**k*d dude.
\nIn this case the guy is a simp and will pay for it dearly if he opts for the b!atch.
\n\nBut in general, a fit handsome and rich man at 38 (which obviously the said guy is not), has far more options and in general is a catch compared to a run through woman at 35 who is hurtling like a bullet train towards menopause.
\nThat's why it's important to marry early in life or don't be married ever
\nsmells like ragebait
\nWomen look at the outer beauty of men.. Fall for it then when his behavior becomes toxic either dumps him or cheats on him.. Women don't go for the men who are beautiful from inside like they will take care of her in every possible way but no they just want to show off to others look how much my partner is beautiful from outside...
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\nGuess the guy who dropped her in an instant was not ugly and not a nice guy
\nI hope the other person comes across this post. That is all I can say for the poor guy
\nI blame the guy. Guys should never ever simp for any girl. I thought simping is a phase most guys get out of after school/college. Take women on dates if you like them. After 3-4 dates if there's still no sign of attraction, move on. There will be other women. Also don't like people who don't like you back. Ask and move on. There are soo many who just don't get this. Also if it comes to choosing between staying alone and being with someone who doesn't like you, choose being alone.
\nAnd even after this, she would be justifying herself under the name of feminisim or freedom.
\nHoly shit ....reading that gave me PTSD ( and I couldn't even cover the whole thing) that's not a red flag....that's a red flag Gatling gun overclocking to 200%.
\n\nI pity the new guy and based on the laws of suffering in this life to get profits in the next life, dude is probably be set for next 7 lifetimes \ud83e\udd23
\nAgree \ud83d\udcaf
\nHope that guy realises what a bitch she is and leaves her.
\nI don't like to generalize, so just gonna talk about this trash can of a human being. The dude who broke up with her dodged a freaking War Nuke. And the way she's saying the guys remaining are simply ugly, she herself may not be better than a 6(at best).
\nHealthy can seem unattractive, I think trying to understand what you desire is important. It's okay to be 35 and figuring who you'd want to be with. If she's not honest with herself and the man, then there are so many people she's going to traumatize as well. As someone living with PTSD, you don't wanna be in a place you're going to cause that ripple effect. The choice is clear. Choose comfort or desire.
\n"What should I do considering my age?" Considering her age she should have some shame right?
\nU will burn here n in hell
\nWhy is she venting her personal problems to internet people? As an adult, shouldn't she be more decisive and capable of living with her decisions?
\n\nBecause, could she live with herself should she take the wrong option due to taking opinions from this subreddit?
\n\nNot a slight, but just an opinion.
\nHow can we tag that guy... \ud83d\ude42\ud83d\ude10\ud83d\ude44
\nMen are simple creatures, when men get older and we don't find our life partner even at 33-35 they become so desperate that they are ready to date or marry a non interested red flag woman who will never be satisfied with them whatever they do.
\n\nBut it's the age that makes them so desperate, when men make enough money, money is no longer their priority, family is the no. 1 priority.
\n\nOld people are right, get married at 24-26 even if you are financially unstable, both man and woman will grow together, once someone becomes financially stable and experience multiple relationships, they become rigid and demand unrealistic expectations.
\nMen are simple creatures, when men get older and we don't find our life partner even at 33-35 they become so desperate that they are ready to date or marry a non interested red flag woman who will never be satisfied with them whatever they do.
\n\nBut it's the age that makes them so desperate, when men make enough money, money is no longer their priority, family is the no. 1 priority.
\n\nOld people are right, get married at 24-26 even if you are financially unstable, both man and woman will grow together, once someone becomes financially stable and experience multiple relationships, they become rigid and demand unrealistic expectations.
\nSad story
\nI hope the guy finds someone nice that can reciprocate his feelings. And for the 35 year old aunty be single and don't spoil any man's life.
\nThis is the story of so many girls (and even men) out there. \nThey finally pick up someone who is just plain vanilla type and is a Green Forest, no red flag type. \nThey pick up the very first or second guy (girl) who's ready to mingle and get married.
\n\nThis sounds toxic and chauvinistic but it's a sad reality.
\n\nI know and lot of people who just got married to anyone they can after they crossed a certain age. \nAs if getting married is the only goal of their life.
\nBlack pill ? Hahaha.. beggers can't be choosers
\nBitch found here !!!!!
\nI won't be surprised if some people over there will support her.
\nLmao . Seeing a black pilled femcel every now and then makes me appreciate the duality of man every once in a while
\n\ud83e\udd21 total dogshit
\nThe guy proposed marriage to a woman who didn\u2019t even want to kiss him. At this point, he deserves everything that\u2019s coming.
\nAnyone else notice how she was dumped last year and has been "healing" and dating multiple guys all in the same year?
\nLol does she even deserve a man?? Woman just fkkk off from that man's life. YOU ARE UNWORTHY!
\nFeeling sad for such guys, but ultimately they also don't care about it, wish I could warn him about it somehow... And even after knowing her things he continues then he deserves L
\nI really wish all Single Indian men just abstain from having conversation from any female for next 1-2 years. All the feminist will realize their actual worth. Now they are flying the clouds because tons of male attention, once it drops drastically, they will realize no one really cares about them.
\nAuraton ke alag hi masle hai. \nLaundo ka sahi hai, bas "ladki ho aur zinda ho" is enough. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02
\nNever be that guy.
\nDude, stop spreading hate. Did you not look at the comments? Did you not see all the women calling her out?!
\nDon't get into a relation with this nice chap and spoil his life. You are a selfish woman with a outdated mind that likes a relationship of self-only benefit and would expect him to dance to your tunes.
\nI am of same age but opposite gender but with no option left i guess.
\nGuys, these are the type of women that need to b avoided\nBetter to stay unmarried then suffer with these kind of spouses
\nIf she says you are more of a Husband Material then Dating Material. Leave her
\nwhat has happened to this sub