I tried calling the Child Helpline and it does NOT work, after few days i tried calling 112, and the only option I'm getting was to call the Police. I just can't, it's too scary for me.
A month ago someone told me to call the child helpline regarding my situation, it took me weeks to muster the courage to call them. My hands were shivering, i didn't know what would happen after the call yet i still called them. Turns out India's official childhelpline, 1098 was an invalid number. I tried calling many times but still it said, "the number you are calling is invalid".
Then someone recommended me to dial 112, I also thought it would have different options like police, ambulance, fire stuff and most importantly child helpline. Again, it turns out the only option i got was to call Police. I don't want to call them though. I just need some sort of government official to tell my parents to let me go to school. My situation's too fucked up right now.
I'll copy paste what i wrote in my previous posts about my situation -
TITLE: Genuinely feel like calling cops on my parents, but not for the reasons you think.
TLDR; I'm 17M, 10th grade, height is around 5'8 and weight is around 35kgs (severely underweight). I havent been to school since a year and out of my house since 9 months atleast. Feel like if i call police atleast i'll be able to go to school.
I'm still in 10th grade because my parents put me in school a year late and then again in between school they made me repeat another year because they couldnt afford the fees.
I'm underweight probably because i barely eat 2 times a day, my sleep schedule is fucked up. Sometimes i sleep at 6am, 8 am, 2pm, etc.
Haven't been to school because my parents couldnt pay the fees and now they aren't even letting me join gov school or give exam via NIOS. They are planning on making me repeat another year but i just cant, i feel dying would be a better choice for me rn.
Haven't been outside my house because my school friends live nearby and i dont want to be seen by them.
My parents genuinely dont give a fuck especially my mother. I've told her numerous times i feel like ki**ing myself but the smugness on her face never disappeared. She's extremely manipulative.
We can afford a normal or a government school but they want to keep me in private cuz they like to show off around relatives when in reality we're broke because of their poor financial decisions.
I genuinely don't know what life's like outside. I've missed all my school trips, farewells, competitions, other events, etc. I don't have any friend cuz I've ghosted everyone.
Sorry if this is a little vague but i couldnt write everything without breaking down or doxxing myself. Please help me out here. I just need a way to not repeat another year, other stuff i think i can recover with enough time.
I just really need help, i dont have any options left anymore. Please advice something. If possible please upvote this post so it can reach people who can help me.
Edit: Sorry in advance if i won't reply immediately, i'm literally deleting reddit and reinstalling each time i have to make a post. I don't want this to be seen by my parents.