My first 36hr fast turned into 42

Ok, long story short (short story long?) , I started fasting wednesday night after my meal at 9pm. I felt disgusting, for shoving 4 slices of pizza down at 9pm, when usually my limit is 8pm. I do 18-6 for a month now, and this was the first time I broke my IF with those pizzas, that my wife bought (whom I cannot convince to try IF) and I was also a bit disappointed that my 3 weeks of IF still shows that I didn't lose any weight. I figured it has to do with the sweeteners in the coffee that claims that doesn't break fasting, but now I am convinced that they do. Anyway, I had one of the best sleeps last night, just after I hit the 24hr mark. Yesterday was brutal, especially when I got to my feeding time, which is around 2pm-8pm. That part was not fun, I felt very hungry and required a great amount of willpower not to eat something. By 9pm the hunger dissipated.
When I woke up at 7am and between noon, I was not hungry at all, but I think I had withdrawal effects like slight headache and drowsiness, I think it has to do with carbohydrates, since I probably still eat too much of it even with the 18-6 schedule. By 1pm today my drowsiness was gone and funny but I was still not hungry. I finally broke my fasting at 2pm, but not because I was starving, but because I planned 36 to begin with and I read about how the benefits of prolonged fasting usually start to diminish after 36hours.
Anyway, It was really not as hard as I imagined for real! Once I passed my usual feeding time, I had no desire to eat. I drank some black coffee and tea randomly, just a sip here and there, interestingly I started sensing flavors in the coffee I haven't sensed before before and now I'm becoming a coffee critic! Suddenly the coffee I drink no longer taste as good as some others, and it has to do with not putting any sugar and milk in it! Anyway, I'm planning to pull off another one of these, maybe next week maybe the week after. Does anyone who has wife /husband or significant other who is freaking out about what you are doing? Mine is and no matter what I say, she thinks I'm hurting myself by not eating for 16 hours, let alone 36 or more!
My favorite part is how I no longer think about when to eat and what to eat. At my age of 50, everything feels like nuisance, and a daily routine or a chore that I no longer want to do or continue the same way. That includes eating schedules and think about what to eat. Now, I just eat at my 18-6 schedule (usually randomly in my 6hr window) and there is no time spent thinking about what to eat next. I love it!