Allocation for taxable portfolio?

My wife and I currently have 4 retirement vessels: two 401ks and two roths (maxed). These are allocated with target date funds and ETFs.. so they're very safe. We're also both about 30 years from retirement.

However, I also have a normal taxable account I contribute to here and there with a mix between tech/cyber security/semiconductors, retail, energy, and consumer staples. This account is stocks only.

It's a tad bit more aggressive, but still safe.

However, I'm wondering if I should go more aggressive and treat this account with more risk since we already have the 4 other retirement accounts.

Any one else in the same scenario where they essentially have an "extra" account? Do you go super aggressive with it? Treat it as a rollover after you've maxed your IRA and just fill it with ETFs? I'm just not sure how to purpose this account.