Top 3 companies to invest forever goog, Microsoft, apple?
I was thinking the other day about what tech stocks I could buy and just hold forever. And I’m my opinion (let me know what you think as well) these 3 companies are basically like one company.
- if google loses search who gets it? Bing -if anyone loses cloud compute it goes to each other or aws which is another great company.
- easiest companies by far to integrate Ai and a reasonable level in 5 years, or in Microsoft’s case already has. -if apple phone sales start declining who picks up the slack? Googl because they own android. Also apple has a monopoly on phones because of the AppStore.
- you search anything on safari you go straight to google search.
- YouTube, iPhone, google, Microsoft office, video games are taught at a very young age and intertwined into the world so heavily we couldn’t live without it.
This is like umbrella corp from resident evil.