Does Steve Need An Editor?

I think Hell on Earth is a song that could have been great. Beautiful melodies + interesting time changes + Bruce's vocals should = success.

But HOE just drags too much. Even some of my fellow fans in the official IM fanclub have expressed that sentiment.

The slow intro to HOE goes until the 2:20 mark. The vocals don't kick in until about 3:30. Both the slow intro and the kickstart to the song just get so repetitive. Just when you think something is about to change a particular musical "phrase" gets repeated.

IMO some of Steve's "epics" are a little too "epic." Long does not equal good.

Having said that, hearing 5 songs from SIT on Oct 24th, my 55th birthday, will be epic.

They should also replace Death of the Celts with The Parchment.