Most beloved and hated places to Allah - Hadith

Narrated Abu Hurairah: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The most beloved places to Allah are its mosques, and the most hated places to Allah are its marketplaces.”

Sahih Muslim (671).


“The most beloved places to Allah are its mosques,” meaning mosques are the most beloved to Allah as they are places dedicated to worship Allah, to remember Him. Mosques are places where Allah is worshiped, and only the most sincere Muslims go to pray the five prayers. It is a place where people go to remember Allah, a place where people go to connect with their Lord and to remove themselves from the worldly life and thoughts. Mosques also are places of knowledge, a place where Islam and the Quran are taught.

“And the most hated places to Allah are its marketplaces.” That is because the marketplace is a place where people talk about worldly things and Allah is remembered less as people are involved in buying and selling. They are also places where people often lie and cheat and deal with usury. People scam each other and cheat each other to make money, they make false oaths and break promises and the like as well. Markets are places where men and women often mix together. The marketplaces are disliked as they are time-wasting, they contain distractions, pointless talks and the like. People’s hearts get attached to buying things, which leads them to not remember Allah and the like.

However, it is not prohibited to go to the marketplace to buy things as this is a need. But it is indeed disliked to have idle talk, to waste time, and it’s possible that it can even be prohibited. And many things that happen in the marketplaces are prohibited, like cheating, lying and the like.

Many times when people go to stores to buy things, they waste a lot of time, which even leads them to miss prayers. It also leads to extravagance in buying things and the like.

Marketplaces are places where one’s mind is filled with worldly thoughts, like buying things, whereas mosques are places where one’s thoughts are filled with good thoughts like remembering Allah and pondering over one’s connection with Allah.

Al-Qurtubi said: “These ahadith indicate the dislike of entering marketplaces, especially in these times when men mix with women. This is what our scholars have said: when falsehood became widespread in the marketplaces and evils appeared in them, it was disliked for those of virtue and those to be emulated in religion to enter them, in order to keep them away from places where Allah is disobeyed. So, it is incumbent upon whoever is tested by the marketplace to remember that he has entered the place of Satan and his soldiers, and that if he stays there, he will be destroyed. Whoever is in such a state should only remain there as much as necessary, while guarding himself from its evil consequences and tribulations.” [Al-Jami' li Ahkam al-Qur'an 13/16]

And Allah Knows Best.

[Sharh Majmu' al-Ahadith al-Sahihah li Muhammad ibn Javed 90]

Narrated Abu Hurairah: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The most beloved places to Allah are its mosques, and the most hated places to Allah are its marketplaces.”

Sahih Muslim (671).


“The most beloved places to Allah are its mosques,” meaning mosques are the most beloved to Allah as they are places dedicated to worship Allah, to remember Him. Mosques are places where Allah is worshiped, and only the most sincere Muslims go to pray the five prayers. It is a place where people go to remember Allah, a place where people go to connect with their Lord and to remove themselves from the worldly life and thoughts. Mosques also are places of knowledge, a place where Islam and the Quran are taught.

“And the most hated places to Allah are its marketplaces.” That is because the marketplace is a place where people talk about worldly things and Allah is remembered less as people are involved in buying and selling. They are also places where people often lie and cheat and deal with usury. People scam each other and cheat each other to make money, they make false oaths and break promises and the like as well. Markets are places where men and women often mix together. The marketplaces are disliked as they are time-wasting, they contain distractions, pointless talks and the like. People’s hearts get attached to buying things, which leads them to not remember Allah and the like.

However, it is not prohibited to go to the marketplace to buy things as this is a need. But it is indeed disliked to have idle talk, to waste time, and it’s possible that it can even be prohibited. And many things that happen in the marketplaces are prohibited, like cheating, lying and the like.

Many times when people go to stores to buy things, they waste a lot of time, which even leads them to miss prayers. It also leads to extravagance in buying things and the like.

Marketplaces are places where one’s mind is filled with worldly thoughts, like buying things, whereas mosques are places where one’s thoughts are filled with good thoughts like remembering Allah and pondering over one’s connection with Allah.

Al-Qurtubi said: “These ahadith indicate the dislike of entering marketplaces, especially in these times when men mix with women. This is what our scholars have said: when falsehood became widespread in the marketplaces and evils appeared in them, it was disliked for those of virtue and those to be emulated in religion to enter them, in order to keep them away from places where Allah is disobeyed. So, it is incumbent upon whoever is tested by the marketplace to remember that he has entered the place of Satan and his soldiers, and that if he stays there, he will be destroyed. Whoever is in such a state should only remain there as much as necessary, while guarding himself from its evil consequences and tribulations.” [Al-Jami' li Ahkam al-Qur'an 13/16]

And Allah Knows Best.

[Sharh Majmu' al-Ahadith al-Sahihah li Muhammad ibn Javed 90]