Road to 100++ pieces per species? 😅💀
I recently bought about 138 cappuccino(mostly babies and hiding in the tissue) 125 panda kings, 116 jupiter and according to the seller about 150+ bumblebee(although i already have 30 cappuccinos with lots of babies, 24 pandas but unsure if they have babies, 12 jupiters but also unsure of babies and about 30 bumblebees). I have not counted the bumblebee yet but i am about to count now. I currently only have 23 cherry blossom with lots of babies but adding another 33 more. Getting a few more(slightly rare) species of 100-150 pieces each as well. Currently looking at pink pandas for my next one. Also adding 60 pumpkins and 150 each of ember bee, phoenix and scarlet. Probably gonna get 150 pieces of amber panda but i will have to wait till they breed. Can only get my hands on 30 angry monks though… Should I get 150 creme caramel as well? From the photos of the seller, it has different morphs and probably some albino due to the red eyes