Listen guys i’m still team jeremiah but im happy B0nrad got together in the end because i knew it’s what Belly always wanted!

This book is so good!!! It’s really different from the show, including the characters. Book Belly is a bit selfish especially when it came to the boys. She knows what she wants but she doesn’t always goes for it like Book Taylor does. Unless it came to Conrad, and oh my gosh Belly’s obsession with Conrad doesn’t even feel like love. It feels like more of an infatuation and an UNHEALTHY OBSESSION! It reminds me of that movie with Beyoncé, “Obsessed”! Ironic huh? 😉

But it just feels unreal! She said even when she married a piece of her heart will belong to Conrad like🤦‍♀️ I understand you why she feels that way though. How on earth is the girl supposed to move when everytime she tries CONRAD IS THERE TO REMIND HER THAT SHE LOVES HIM LIKE LEAVE HER ALONEEEE!!! I feel bad for Jeremiah, he’s always second when it comes Conrad it’s so sad😭

But either way i LOVED the book

10/10 going to start the second book now!!!

Team in book 1: JEREMIAH

Why: He treats her better than Conrad does, he doesn’t take away his feelings. He tells the truth even when it hurts. He’s kinder and he always knows how to make her feel better! They have a stronger bond than B0nrad in both the show and the book (so far )

Anyway what are your thoughts on book 1?

Listen guys i’m still team jeremiah but im happy B0nrad got together in the end because i knew it’s what Belly always wanted!

This book is so good!!! It’s really different from the show, including the characters. Book Belly is a bit selfish especially when it came to the boys. She knows what she wants but she doesn’t always goes for it like Book Taylor does. Unless it came to Conrad, and oh my gosh Belly’s obsession with Conrad doesn’t even feel like love. It feels like more of an infatuation and an UNHEALTHY OBSESSION! It reminds me of that movie with Beyoncé, “Obsessed”! Ironic huh? 😉

But it just feels unreal! She said even when she married a piece of her heart will belong to Conrad like🤦‍♀️ I understand you why she feels that way though. How on earth is the girl supposed to move when everytime she tries CONRAD IS THERE TO REMIND HER THAT SHE LOVES HIM LIKE LEAVE HER ALONEEEE!!! I feel bad for Jeremiah, he’s always second when it comes Conrad it’s so sad😭

But either way i LOVED the book

10/10 going to start the second book now!!!

Team in book 1: JEREMIAH

Why: He treats her better than Conrad does, he doesn’t take away his feelings. He tells the truth even when it hurts. He’s kinder and he always knows how to make her feel better! They have a stronger bond than B0nrad in both the show and the book (so far )

Anyway what are your thoughts on book 1?