Almost all jobs suck the life out of you

I'm 30 years into my career, work in upper management for a mid-size company and have come to the realization that every job I've ever had in corporate America has taken part of my soul. The constant politicking, dealing with people's problems, mind numbing repetitive work, fake conversations like any of us care about what you did over the weekend, the commute, the same b.s. every day over and over. All for what? Yes, a paycheck, and some retirement savings hopefully. And god forbid if you're out of a job you now don't have health insurance. Don't get me started on that scam. We're all just zombies, put here to keep the machine going while doing our best to not put a gun in our mouths and ending it all. Anyone that argues otherwise when it comes to work and "career" is full of it. I've lived it long enough to know it's all incredibly pointless if you care to stop and think about it.