Going to be homeless in May, interviews going great but then yield nothing. Hopeless.

I don't know what to do anymore. I must've done... hundreds of applications in the past year of unemployment. I've lowered standards, lowered expectations... everything about me is low atm.

I don't know what to do. I keep getting interviews and having them pass me by. I barely get responses even when I do get those interviews. I don't have the most amazing job history, but I was a useless kid til around 30. Now that I realize I have to do all this stuff in life, because my parents sure as shit never helped me or supported me to grow like that, it feels like life has already checked off my box as useless, never going to succeed.

I don't know what to do. I've never felt this kinda hopelessness before. Somehow I was always able to find SOMETHING in the past and... maybe this is my penance? For being an immature kid with jobs when young?

I don't understand, am I just supposed to lie down and die? It honestly feels like life wants me to.

With homelessness looming, and two more interviews this week resulting in "we've done all our hiring thanks" even when asked "Hey, I appreciate the consideration, could you tell me why I wasn't chosen just so I can improve personally?" I got no actual response from them. It's like, fuck you and no you can't ever get better. Stay there. Suffer, and then die.

I don't know what to do anymore. In LV area. I just want a stable life. A job that might aggravate me but pays my bills and keeps food in my stomach. I'm not the little kid that would bail anymore. I haven't been that in years and years, and yet it feels like life wants to punish me for it for the rest of my life.

I just want to be able to live. Like everybody else seems to be. And the way family looks down on you. "Mom and Dad need us now more than ever" don't you think I know that? Don't you think I wish I could find something like you did? Don't you think I know I wasted opportunities when young?

Should I just die? Would that help the world?