Choices again

I'm sure this has been asked before, but i am trying to avoid any spoilers, and i'd also like to know what make the most sense in terms of Henry's story from party one.

Which is the best choice - Soldier, Adviser, Scout?

There are some factors to consider, for me personally, but i'm not sure if they matter. I did play part one for a few hours but i wasn't very good at sword fighting. Is that a reason to pick Adviser, or more reason to pick Soldier because i get improved combat stats that in turn help me be more efficient in fighting? Because i assume i won't be able to get around it, not that i'd want to anyway. It also seemed as though Henry was on his way, story-wise, to be a soldier, not an adviser... Does it even matter?

Apologies if anyone feels offended by me asking a question others have already asked (i know people get offended real quickly on reddit). I'd just like to be as true to the story as possible, while also giving it my personal touch, if that makes sense.
And i would greatly appreciate any opinion or advice! (i play on ps5 if that has any relevance)

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