[KCD2] Opinion: Swords are too good. Everything else is too weak.

FIRST I want to say that I love this game and I've already put over 100 hours in. This is a criticism that bothers me, but it doesn't ruin it.

My biggest problem with the new combat rebalance is how highly elevated Swords are over other melee weapons. It's frankly silly how much better a longsword is than a polearm. I value this series for its (relative) historical accuracy and it's value as an immersive historical sim. 15th century Swords are selfe defense weapons and sidearm, but this game treats them like the be all end all.

Polearms should be harder to block and do way more damage. It should be impossible to masterstrike against a polearm. But whenever I pick up a polearm (even when my polearm skill is as high as swords) it takes me about three times as long to take someone out. The fact that polearms can be effortlessly perfectly blocked by a one handed weapon makes them nearly useless. (Go ahead and try to block a halberd with a hunting sword irl and tell me how it goes)

Heavy weapons feel like even more of an afterthought. They should be useful against armored opponents because Swords are terrible at going against plate armor. But in this game, Swords cut through plate armor like a lightsaber, so heavy weapons are just worse Swords. Why even have them at that point?

I feel like this was balanced better in the first KCD. In KCD1, Polearms shredded people and blasted through blocks (as they should) and heavy weapon builds felt much more useful.