[KCD2] Don't you think Henry is acting out of character toward the Cumans in the second game?

Given Henry's traumatic past with the Cumans, especially the massacre of Skalitz and the death of his parents, I would have expected him to be much more distant and even hostile toward them in the second game. However, in the Invaders quest, he is unexpectedly tolerant, befriending the Cumans, drinking with them, and even helping them find a girlfriend. Later, when he learns that these same Cumans participated in the pillage of Skalitz, I would have expected a strong reaction, perhaps a fistfight or at least walking away. Instead, he simply continues drinking and getting drunk with them, as if it were nothing.

Am I overthinking this? The game constantly emphasizes how traumatic and unforgettable the Skalitz massacre was for Henry, yet in this mission, his reaction feels oddly indifferent. Don't you think he was far too tolerant?