Which idols/groups has the best skills to harmonize in kpop?

You know what I think is better than having a standout voice on stage? Having a voice that can easily blend with anyone and adds a whole new layer of complexity to it. Harmonization these days are getting pretty rare, so which idols or groups are best at it?

Of course you cant talk about harmonizing without the og kings TVXQ/DBSK. Being trained as an acapella group means they are pretty much experts in these areas. These examples speak for themselves.

Individually speaking I'd have to bring up my bias Kim Taerae of ZB1. His voice is basically meant to complement anyone and I do mean anyone. The way his voices blends so well with his members, Young K, and recently with Lee Mujin, he is just absolutely amazing at turning his powerful voice into a voice that can easily complement and adding complexity to others. I cant list all the examples because his compilation of harmonizing beautifully with so many people would be an hour long.

What would be your picks? Please provide examples as well if you can.