Does Kratom increase serotonin or dopamine?
I have anxiety disorder and I wake up with anxiety a lot of mornings. I hate that feeling. I take Valium for this, but want to start tapering. Also on cymbalta 40 mgs for depression and supposedly anxiety along with 10 mg of Lexapro. I have to get up in the mornings and drink coffee with about one Tbs of red Kratom to decrease my anxiety and chill me out, decrease my fibromyalgia pain, and it takes my anxiety away completely…Even though it’s in coffee. Also I’m supposed to be taking 5 mgs of adderall twice a day because my motivation and focus was shit. I used to take Norco for pain. So I’m all confused. What does Kratom do for the brain? I know it’s triggers your opioid receptors, which also helps my moods( from taking Norco). So can someone tell me why this improves my moods and what is going on? Trying to dissect this.