How do I get out of Iron 4 ?

I have been playing league since about 2019, I'd still consider myself a new player it's very on and off. Whilst my game mechanics are terrible one thing I truly don't understand is, how do i get out of iron 4, I mean LITERALLY, I'm a tft player so in that game basically your placement gives you more lp, but in league its binary ? If I win its like idk random guess around +12 and lose -25. Is it just expected to go on a massive winstreak here or is this just how the game is ? The champs I enjoy the most are caitlyn seraphine and garen (ideally id only play caitlyn if i could) is onetricking a good way to learn the game? Ill post my league tracker link if that gives any more info:

tldr: are you just expected to winstreak in iron or how do people get out ?