سلام عليكم و مرحبا
I am from Ibb, Yemen. What dialect should I be practicing? Here’s my story so I save you from scrolling:
I Was born in Ibb but spent most of my life enough in the U.S. to graduate high school in Albany NY (never went anywhere else) and still currently reside in the U.S. every time I used Google Translate back then I question their accuracy because my family and the people that they know just doesn’t speak Arabic the same way Google translates phrases or sentences. My mother (Who didn’t even finish her education, therefore not being able to read Arabic, but was conversationally fluent with a small vocabulary) would tell me that if you are able to read Quran, you’d become very fluent due to the type of language being used in the Quran. (The same spoken by our prophet ﷺ ) However, they also weren’t speaking the same fus’ha arabic that he did. It was extremely obvious. It’s gotten to the point that being a translator became a childhood dream growing up.
Hearing Egyptians speak Arabic was like the absolute funniest thing ever let alone their accent AND their status in the comedy industry. So far, Saudi people, audibly enough was the only people I have seen that actually speaks either MSA or a bonus: FUS’HA Arabic! like they knew the back of their hand! I can’t really say for the rest. The masjid I went to barely had anybody from a country that spoke Arabic. They can read the Quran but they couldn’t actually use fus’ha in like, a day to day conversation. I met mostly Pakistanis, Bengalis, Afghanis, Iranis, but they were much more fluent in Pashto, Bengali, and Persian. So who’s really teaching me how to speak Arabic there???? Even my teachers who was from one of those countries couldn’t even tell me what certain words meant. The sheikh who was Sudani gave his speeches in English. So did the rest of the sheyookh. They never mentioned a Hadith unless they knew how to say it in Arabic and translate it into English.
And that’s really why I am here 😅