For all the Linux converts coming from Windows - What is your favourite and least favourite thing about moving to Linux? I'll go first...

I installed Linux on a second machine about a year ago to try it. I must have tried tried 4 or 5 different distros before I settled on Ubuntu 22.04. I didn't want to go Ubuntu server as I'd never used CLI before and didn't know how I'd get on with it.

Now, I rarely use the GUI and have a couple of machines and VMs running Linux. My favourite thing is probably that it has taught so much recently and that I don't know as much about computers as I first thought. Windows made me feel comfortable and stagnated my want for learning more.

My least favourite thing about Linux is probably permissions. In the sense that, I'll have just logged in with my password and to complete another simple action I'll be asked for my password again. I was transferring files over an SMB share recently and every so often I had to keep inputting my password until I sorted out the configuration. Something a smooth brain like me coming from Windows finds a bit naff.

Anyway, I enjoy using Linux and look forward to hearing about what you guys like about it too :)