Feeling rejected from women as a woman

  • A female relative who's my uncle's wife P and I talked via voice call. We were discussing about another female relative S where she she asked about S's family. And I replied that she has two older brothers which she had mentioned long back. Then P mentioned S puts up WhatsApp statuses like happy birthday and happy anniversary for her some men but she she couldn't make out who were they! I have never seen these stories despite having S's whatsapp number! I was about to mention this to P that S has removed me from who can view, but I stopped myself thinking it might look indignant.

I met S yesterday again where she was nice to me. But now I am scared why am I being excluded? Why?

  • I also noticed two women unfollowed me on instagram. Both were my classmates.

I am scared for my life. I know social media means nothing but it stings 💔

I am so unlikable. I am already aware that ai need to work on myself but why should I work so hard to keep contacts? Whyy

I am already 30 and yet to make a close female friend.