I’ve fallen off the wagon.

Feeling lost, fed up, I don’t even wanna weigh myself I know I’ve gained.

My fiancée had a psychotic break out of the blue in late September, right smack bang in the middle of planning for our wedding , I had to be signed off of work.. and took over her full time care.

Constant doctors appointments, medication reviews, phone calls to crisis teams in the middle of the night .. understandably.. my diet went right out of the window.

She’s a lot better now with a fair bit to go.. but in the throws of something so devastating and frightening.. I didn’t have the energy to keep my deficit.. and I’ve gone back to not tracking .

Although I’ve still kept my gym routine 3 days. Week ( absolutely no idea how I managed that )

I’m struggling to get back into my deficit, any little bit of stress and I’m looking for a pizza or something sweet. I’ve got a wedding suit to fit into in August!

Some words of encouragement please 🙏