Sawyer’s best lines

I’m compiling a list of the best Sawyer quotes. Here are some of my favorites, feel free to add yours!

“Oh yeah, there’s my favorite leaf! How could I forget this place?”

“Good thing I’m traveling with my doctor then.”

“One second, I’m like this close to the high score on Donkey Kong…now, what can I do you for?”

“Touché. What’s Jimminy Cricket doing here?”

“You sure know how to butter a man up, Stay Puft.”

“Don’t you recognize it? Fell out of the purple haze when they hatch went flammo. If we don’t play every 108 minutes, the island’s gonna explode.”

“It’s work man, you blockhead!”

“I requested that cage but whatever.”

“Open up, it’s the ghost of Christmas future!”