Kena scam?

I click iklan on IG which leads to Whatsapp. I beli seluar and lepas transfer the seller ghosted me. The amount tak banyak sangat: RM140.

My mistake i tak check the IG page. The page a year not updated. But the telegram page still active. Anyway, i talked to another admin of that page and she said not company is legit and not a scam. They have manufacturing issue. Now both admins ghosted me.

Where else to report other than police? I think amount not very big, such a hassle to go to police.

I already reported the IG page, the whatsapp numbers. Checked on the semakmule website and that page not on there.

Also, any way that i can be petty to them. I'm already thinking of going to the physical store and marah there but it's an hour away from my place.

Dont marah me. I know i stoopid.