Am I Overtraining?

Bit of context. I’m at 30 year old male. I’ve exercised 5-6 days pretty much all my life. Used to mainly be weights and running. Distances to up half marathons.

Recently on my 30th I thought I’d give martial arts a go and damn has the bug got me. I’m pretty useless at it, but I find the whole learning process and the humbling nature of it very addictive. During the week I do 3 hours of Muay Thai, 3 hours of BJJ and 3 hours of weights. This has been nicely doable and not at all taxing on my body.

I am a teacher which means 2 things. 1 I struggle to get my sleep in and 2 I get long holidays. I’ve currently hit the summer holidays and have drastically upped my training. Doing 2-3 hours of martial arts in one day. I noticed during rolling this morning my whole body was in pain and aching. Is this a sign of over training or just part of the journey?

Man I wish I’d got into this earlier than 30!