Ranked is not a team deathmatch
I swear a lot of you guys throw your own games thinking you can get the kill. The goal is to keep them off point best you can or back off and regroup. I am so sick of these diamond lobbies I'm getting. My games are under 10 minutes now, straight losses because of trash teammates who love to whine in voice chat and then have the absolute worst stats in the match. I politely ask them to switch a character or be healer so I can be tank but they are always so stubborn. Hitting like 3 wins a day and then I get paired up with the worst people I've ever played. Good luck to you all who just cannot hit diamond 1 again. (Adding onto this post) No this isn't satire, I am just extremely tired of watching my teammates chase an enemy away from the group when there is no reason to at all. All l ask from them is to stay on point or switch it up if we start losing and then they instantly blame me when my healing is clearly just under 30k each game. Even when I main thor I push them off and know when to retreat back to point. It's not that hard, a lot of you diamond players are honestly ruining the game with this team deathmatch mindset. I was one game away from gm this weekend and now I'm losing more than winning purely because of trash teammates. My stats are always higher than theirs but I just can't seem to get any smart players again. 8 losses since last night and 10 minutes ago. I just want to hit gm and quit ranked forever.