Is there a Smurf problem?
Currently on my Pc account I am Diamond 1 and in order to play with my younger brother who just started I created an alt account to try to keep him from my sbmm lobbies as he learned and partially to eventually play ranked with him without having to completely focus on my own gameplay. Unfortunately we would lose 10/12 games once we both hit lvl 10 and each game had fresh lvl 10-13 accounts. Each game id ask who’s smurfing here and majority of people on my team and the other team would say yeah. Is there a Smurf queue that i put us into? Or is the game matching newer accounts together? Anyone with lower Elo accounts that are lvl 20 or higher can u lmk how it feels. We spent 3 days trying to climb and I eventually played my main characters and what not and it didn’t matter. Now I just got a PlayStation and wanted to play ranked to try to get the invisible woman skin and it’s the same problem there it feels. I am definitely not diamond on console but I feel like I’m at least gold but I cant get a game without players who have diamond or higher skill level. Maybe it’s because I’m level 10 on console too. I’m wondering if players who are actually bronze level are dealing with this issue bc it would make me go crazy if I was constantly a bystander in each lobby as Godzilla and Kong fought it out for my RR