The iron fist change is a major nerf

I don't know what crack the devs were smoking when they thought these changes into existence but I need some of that shit to have fun on this guy. people are saying "iron fist is a tank buster" or shit like that but do you know how much extra damage he does to a strange? 2. 2 fucking extra damage in his fast punches. From 19 per shot to 21. This is all for 5 less damage per shot to squishies making him deal 14 from 19 which I think is NOT a good trade off. He has a little more survivability sure, but with how strong healing in this game is, you are not killing anyone by yourself. The block buff with a 1.5 second decrease in cooldown per punch from 1 looks good on paper until you realise that you have to wait through 6 seconds of rapid punches until you can start getting your block back. its just so tragic to see what they did to this already underpowered character who just happened to be my favourite to play.