Being a strat player is so rough rn
This is fully coming from a salty strategist main who just went on a losing streak but I have to say it’s rough out here for us.
Every game I’ve played the past few days I’m either dealing with full team of flyers who my team ignore or who are out of my range to damage and we basically just lose miserably OR there are some smurfs playing spiderman or black panther and just demolishing me the whole game. I can tell when the Diver is same skill level as we usually trade death and kills but recently it’s all lords who just demolishing me before I get a second to react.
Now whilst I’m being brutally attacked I’ve got my team saying no heals and crashing out as a result screaming in game or voice chat. Call me a f** all you want I can’t deal with this on top of your poor positioning, if I focus on healing you who is currently 1-9 I die from fliers or flankers and if I focus on dealing with them you somehow die again and moan about no heals.
Love the game fully and I’m sure it’s rough out there for everyone especially the insta lock dps who go 0-12 as spiderman. All I want is just a team who can focus on fliers and flankers. There’s only so much I can do as a strat player, took the triple strat meta for granted atp