Is there a hero that is almost universally loved by the fanbase?
As far as I know, every hero has something that makes the fanbase hate them/clown on them. Jeff has his annoying ult, BP is the tickle monster, etc.
But I can't think of a hero that, for the most part, everyone loves as is in terms of gameplay. I know everyone has a hero that really annoys them (Spiderman, for me), but in general, I don't know if there's a hero that the community is like "they're good as is, no changes necessary."
EDIT: I think my question was a little vague, so lemme clarify what I'm looking for:
- I'm not including team ups in my question since NetEase has mentioned that those may change/disappear as their story develops. But I do think team match ups are valid talking points.
- I'm specifically talking about the fanbase's opinions on a hero's abilities/kits. Less about "people can't play this guy, and I'm tired of seeing them in my team," more about "I hate this character because I think they're bottom tier/broken."