Exporting as 'group' VS 'sound' issue

My workflow with Maschine is essentially: create the structure of the song - export to my DAW, add additional instrumentation, then mix/master.

However, when you choose to "export as audio" you have 3 choices "Master", "Group", and "Sound".

I like to export my drum kits as "sound" so that in my DAW I get a stem for each individual piece of the kit and I have detailed control over each element separately (kick, snare, etc.).

BUT - if there are FX on the "Group" tab in Maschine and not on the "Sound" tab when you export as "sound" you lose any FX that were applied to the "group", which sucks because it's way faster to apply compressors, limiters, eq, etc. to a "group" instead of individual sounds most times.

How can I export as "sound" (i.e., individual stems for my drum rack) but retain the group FX? Is it possible? Is there an easy work around?

Not sure if anyone else has this issue, but it would be great to have a solution to this, so I appreciate any help the community can provide! Thanks!