R*pe affects my head even though I’m not a victim

This has been bothering me for I’d say 2 years. Anytime I see or hear the mentioning of the word/action of r*pe I get sick to the stomach and I avoid anything and everything that has to do with it. I have never fell victim to it thank god.

Any mention of that word or if I’m watching a show or a movie that alludes to it having happened or even worse, they show it (I skip it if thats the case but it still affects me because I know it happened). I literally can’t sleep at night.

I’m not looking to be desensitized to it because it is something that is never acceptable to do and I believe this feeling of disdain I have for it is right but I just don’t want it to affect me so much that I get physically sick and it stuck in my mind for a couple days. It just triggers me so easily and I wish it wouldn’t. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.