Salespersons with lanyards and Ipads ringing my doorbell late at night...

I live down an English country lane, the kind of country lane that has no street lights and is barely wide enough to accommodate anything much larger than a Range Rover.

It's 9.30pm on a Friday night, I'm in my house and about to turn in for the night. But then the doorbell goes off. I pause for a second on my way out the kitchen. All my lights are off..

Me: "(Tuts) Piss off you nonce."

I check the camera on my phone - a couple guys with Ipads and lanyards are standing at the gate. It's pitch black and barely above freezing out there, I think to myself "What the fuck are you even doing ringing door bells at this time of night?"

I carry on to my bed, assuming they will fuck off rather than just stand there - fortunately for me I have a 9 foot perimeter wall around my property, so I have no real concerns about them getting to my actual doorstep. As I get in bed, the doorbell goes off AGAIN! They must have been out there for a minute straight at this point. Part of me wants to go out there and give them a piece of my mind, the other part of me knows I will say some really offensive things to them if I do. And all of me knows I do not want to spend the night in a police cell over some 'Flipping out in public'-type charges.

They did eventually go away after another minute or so - and no, they were not police officers or council employees, I know them when I see them. But this has been the sixth time they have turned up at my gate late at night, as in always past 9pm.

Serious question for those here who work sales and cold calls - what in the fuck are you even doing turning up at people's doorsteps after 9 at night? Is something wrong with you? Or is something wrong with your employer that's making you do this?

Just don't OK? I don't care what you're selling, you can shove it. Stay off my doorstep.