Does anybody know anything about Jason O. Smith from Dazed And Confused?

While not a really big part, the role of Melvin Spivey in D&C was a fine and welcome addition to the movie. He had a few great lines “what’s this wave shit?!” and the actor was a pretty charismatic dude. The only problem is, everything about him is a complete mystery. He has one other credit to his name on IMDB, a role in a movie he was supposedly in about 10 years prior, but I did a little bit of research on that movie (Over Exposed), and I think he was wrongly credited (Jason Smith is an extremely common name). He hasn’t shown up for any of the cast reunions, and I can’t find squat on him despite all my failed attempts....I don’t even know if he was a local cast from Austin, or an actor from Los Angeles like most of the other actors were. Does ANYBODY know anything about this one hit wonder????