A fare-y tale with no words
Yesterday on Super Metro, this guy sitting next to me randomly offers to pay my fare. Taps me on the shoulder and asks, ‘Naeza kulipia fare leo?’
I pause, smile (because what even is this energy?), and obviously, I say yes. 😅
The wild part? He doesn’t say a single word the entire trip. The only other time we spoke was when I said thank you, and he casually replied, ‘You're welcome.’ Sikuvaa headphones the whole ride, waiting for him to say something… but nope. Just vibes and generosity. 😂
Honestly, I wouldn’t have minded a chat he looked nice and smelled nice.
But seriously, what fuels such random acts of kindness? Anyway, if it’s you, thanks… but next time, at least ask me if I'll vote in the next elections or something.