Help name Jasper's baby brother

My husband and are are struggling to agree on a name for our second son. I LOVE the name Simon nn Si but my husband isn't sold.

I love how Jasper & Simon sound together. Different names but the same vibe.

My husband, however, is really liking more classic names (some happen to be family names) like Theodore, Jack, Michael, and Anthony.

While I don't dislike Theodore, it just doesn't feel like it fits with our first son's name and I'm not getting the "feeling" like the baby I'm carrying is a Theodore. We also have very close friends with a Thea, Theo feels like the same name. I don't like the name Anthony and really dislike the nn Tony. We have close family named Jack (making it a no) and I don't particularly like the name Michael.

So, how do I either convince my husband the Simon is the way to go or are there name compromises you could suggest that give me the same vibe as Simon, go well with Jasper, and fits my husband's more traditional style?