Round 28! Nancy Drew - SURVIVOR
In Round 27, with votes from 42.3% of sleuths….we lose….Curse of Blackmoor Manor!
We’re down to the top 3!! Make your picks here for Round 28:
Rules Reminder
- Each round, select your FAVORITE ND games:
- You can select AS MANY GAMES as you want, but please fill out the form only once per round so that we get an accurate representation of the ND Community :)
- Each round will stay open for 2-3 days, and then the game with the LEAST votes will be eliminated.
- I will post the results and update the form to include only the remaining games.
- We will continue until only one game remains!!!!
P.S. if you don’t see the results from this round for a while, we are having account issues and will be back as soon as we can!!