Struggling to Hit Protein Goal
I go to college and pay for a meal plan. I would just buy groceries, but I don't get a kitchen until I move into the apartments on campus during my third year. I buy whey Gold Standard, 24g of protein per scoop and I usually double scoop when making my shakes. So it's about 50g of protein. Any time there is chicken at the cafeteria I make sure to eat it. I eat eggs every morning, usually with Pancakes or French Toast, and I eat some form of potatoes. For lunch I either get a chicken sandwich or chicken prepared some other way. Dinner is the only time I don't eat much, I eat whatever meat they make, but it usually doesn't taste great. I used to be a lot more muscular in high school but I slacked off and lost most of it. I also weigh around 160lbs now at 5'9, and I used to weigh 140lbs. I'm currently using Jeff Nippards Hypertrophy Program (U/L) and I'm not recovering fast enough. Any advice on how to get more protein in?
TLDR- Need advice on how to get around 160 grams of protein daily at college. Struggling to recover from workouts.
Edit- As some people have said, it seems I could be hitting my protein, but not eating enough calories. I bulked last semester and gained about 15lbs, but I'm scared I'll keep gaining weight with not much muscle to show for it.