How do people take Mike Israetel seriously as a bodybuilding coach?
said LeBron James trains like an idiot (because of course he is more knowledgeable about how a guy in the GOAT debate should train for success in basketball)
said Tom Brady trains like an idiot (who knew that Mike is a football expert too?)
questionable doctorate
not an IFBB pro
never coached any IFBB pros, let alone serious Olympia contestants
claimed to compete in bodybuilding in order to prove the validity of his methods, yet came in unconditioned and didn't win anything
can't do chin-ups
said front squats are bad
said hammer curls are bad
said to do rows for long head of triceps
said that adding weight every week is a sign of undertraining on volume
said he would become an expert at anything after one week of applying himself due to his genius IQ
said he is bigger and stronger than Mike Mentzer
forces his 2012-era gay jokes in every video
forces his 2012-era incel jokes in every video
said he believes in race science but doesn't want to get canceled in today's political climate
nobody wants to look like him