Recommendations for vendor-neutral BGP training videos?
Are there any recommended video series or lectures that go decently into BGP, but from a vendor neutral approach?
Specifically I need to focus on understanding more about multi-homing/traffic engineering and path selection in private ASs. Not ISP environments, but large-to-extra-large enterprises (like 30,000-100,000 users) with a blend of iBGP and eBGP. Bringing up peering between routers isn't something I'll be expected to work on, these are established/brownfield enviroments.
It's pretty easy to find Cisco-focused videos that are spending a lot of time showing how to work the info inside a Cisco CLI, but I'm going to be in a bunch of vendors and would prefer to focus more time on understanding BGP itself.
Does anyone have any good suggestions? Video lectures are preferred, seems to stick better, but books are fine if the info is good.