PSA: Found Deer tick on dog today 2/27
Hello all and PSA to dog owners and hikers alike. Went outside today for, I kid you not, 10 min and didn't even go into the forest but rather at the edge of my apartment complex. Looked down and noticed this tick on my dog. Thankfully, it didn't implant yet. She's up to date on her flea/tick meds but wanted to let others know that they are out and about. Remember your bug repellent! I didn't expect them this early given how cold it was this winter. As far I can tell it's a female deer tick.
Hello all and PSA to dog owners and hikers alike. Went outside today for, I kid you not, 10 min and didn't even go into the forest but rather at the edge of my apartment complex. Looked down and noticed this tick on my dog. Thankfully, it didn't implant yet. She's up to date on her flea/tick meds but wanted to let others know that they are out and about. Remember your bug repellent! I didn't expect them this early given how cold it was this winter. As far I can tell it's a female deer tick.