Mum rather gossip then phone me
Rant It kinda always been like this espically when I was a kid instead of wanting to hear about my day for like 5 mins she rather gossip to her friends for hours. You tell her somthing personal sunddenly everyone knows but then she gets frustrated why I don’t tell her stuff. I understand she has friends but I feel like there no balance. When I moved away it got worse I try and speak to her everyday over the phone 5 mins, for example I rang her just to be hung up on after 2 mins so I called her back later and happend again but this time my uncle. Wouldn’t bother me so much but she phones this one friend 3 times a day and she can be up to an hour on the phone I only want 5 mins of her time. If you even bring it up she can get really denfesive about it . Once again called her at 5 clock she said she ring me back and now it 6:30 still waiting.