I genuinely don’t understand why people cheat :/

I really don’t get the fun in cheating. From what I’ve observed, cheaters become guilty, and if they’re not guilty, they do it again. Why would they do it again? Like, it’s so pathetic. Give up already or you might end up maidenless for the rest of your life.

Jokes aside, I genuinely don’t understand why people cheat on their partners. I fell out of love with my ex. Did I cheat on her? No. I explained to her that I fell out of love and we ended in good terms. Why can’t cheaters do that? Are they greedy? I genuinely want to study cheaters and their mindset because their stupidity amuses me. Like oh noooo your partner found out you cheated on them. Stop crying and walk it off. “NO PLEASE!!! DONT BREAK UP!! I PROMISE I’LL DO BETTER!! I’LL CHANGE!!” Then proceeds to bang 10 more guys.

There’s this cheater on Reddit that admitted that she was cheating, and I was like “girl… break up…” and she was like “Nooo I love him!!!” Uhm no you don’t? If you love him, why would you cheat on him? Girl if I was your ex I would’ve been charged with battery. Anyways she posted an update saying that after tons of cyber bullying she realized she was wrong and uhh she broke up with her ex!! BUT YOU KNOW WHATS SO STUPID? SHE SAID SHE WAS SCARED. S C A R E D. I BURSTED INTO LAUGHTER WHEN I READ THAT.

Anyways, I have a question for cheaters. Is cheating fun? Like genuinely, is it fun? Is that the reason why you guys cheat?

Sorry for the rambling, I just wanna get this off my chest