First day discussion: What do you think of the Cartographer subclass for the Artificer in the latest UA?

Hey there! I'm an artificer fan like many here and when I saw the new UA, I went straight to the subclass. So let's discuss the subclass here, not the changes to the base class in the UA.

I first would like to say that I loved the concept of the class as a teleporting support, but I don't really understand how it would work. Why are you teleporting so much if you don't really deal a lot of damage and if you don't have that many touch spells? You don't get the power to teleport your allies until level 9, and even then it's a situational teleport. So what I think is:


  • Tools proficiencies is really goddamn cool. Half the time to write spell scrolls is huge and a very unique ability. I already want to try it on an elf

  • Some parts of some feats are really cool. Giving initiative bonus to mapholders is cool and unique, and level 15 feat feels really cool


  • The "Positioning" feat at level 3 is too niche, I don't quite se an use for it.

  • Level 3 and level 5 feats do pretty much the same thing: make you teleport. One of them should help you teleport your allies. I think level 5 feat should let you teleport mapholders.

  • At level 5 the subclass really needs a damage boost, as with other artificers. The class really needs that. I give the example of the Cleric 7th level feat which improves your damage depending on the playing style you want. Teleporting goes well with kiting and with melee, so I think there should be a feat at this level which improves either one of these playing styles, your choice.

All can be summed in the following: why are you teleporting so much? You get there and do what, you deal no damage lol Let it do some damage and teleport other people, and this subclass will be cool as hell.

EDIT: After reading through the comments, I'm surprised by the amount of people who loved this subclass and I'm sold on the uses of the "Positioning" feat at lvl 3 letting you cast spells without seeing. Opens a lot of support through the use of fog cloud, and fun gameplay in planting the map at enemies to see be able to target it in low visibility. I'm now less sold on the subclass needing a damage/healing buff feat at level 5, but I still would love it. After all, this would be the first half caster with no multiattack/cantrip buff. I'm still adamant that the subclass needs to teleport others more than itself, starting from level 5.