Changes to the Dragonmarks, From Species to Feats

I have compiled a list of changes I noticed when comparing the mechanics of how the marks were as a part of the species versus the current UA.

Mark Intuition Features Spell Lists
General You get to choose your ability modifier to cast the spell No spells were removed, only included in features. All the listed spells are additional.
Aberrant You can add a 1d4 to CON Saves PB/LR Casting stat is still CON only*
Detection Perception replaces Investigation Identify
Handling Command, Find Familiar
Healing False Life, Arcane Vigor
Making Magic Weapon already doesn't require concentration, so that part is redundant. Spiritual Weapon
Passage Athletics replaces Vehicles Find Steed
Scribing Command
Shadow Invisibility usable at 1st level, rather than 3rd level.
Storm Shatter
Warding Sanctuary, Nystul's Magic Aura