Places to live in a camper?

Hey, I’m wondering if there are any good places to live in a small travel trailer year round. I’m a trans person in Texas and I am trying to get more certainty on my plan forward when I finally have to/get to leave. If they outlaw hormones for adults and/or I lose my job due to my gender identity, I plan to sell everything and buy a travel trailer to move to either Oregon or Minnesota until I can find a good job. I know it will probably be hard to find a good paying job right away because I’m over 40 and my career up to now has been in the government sector. So, I don’t think it will be easy to find an apartment I can afford for a while. Does anyone know somewhere that would work? Also, just a heads up…there are probably going to be a good number of people like me headed your way within the next year or so. Please know that we are mostly very friendly good neighbors to have who are looking for sanctuary and community. Thanks