How would you rate the ceremony as a whole?
Excluding the winners (which I think most of us feel were pretty good as a whole) how did you feel about the broadcast?
I thought Conan was a pretty good host and he had some sharp zingers, but some of the choices for the telecast were very bizarre. The lack of clips for the supporting acting categories only for them to return for the lead categories didn't make a lick of sense. The Fab Five format slowed down the telecast, even if I did like seeing craftspeople have their work highlighted. Then there was the fact that the producers starting cutting off the mic super fast after winners gave their speeches but allowed Adrien Brody to ramble for over 5 minutes. And whilst I was fortunate to not have the Hulu stream cut off in the theater I was watching the ceremony at, having it shut down before the ceremony was over was terrible.
Overall, a step down from last year I'd say.